Developed specially for irritated and sensitive skin by leading skin specialists, Pluvia bring relief to irritated skin, naturally. Backed by dermatological expertise and formulated with pure, skin-loving ingredients, our products offer solutions for your problematic skin concerns, such as eczema or sensitive and very dry skin.
Solution For Your Problematic Skin
Experience the healing touch of nature with PLUVIA. Our mission is to provide relief and comfort to your irritated skin through dermatologically tested, natural solutions. Discover the power of nature’s gentle healing and restore healthy skin.

Dermatologically Tested
Our products are developed in collaboration with skin experts.

Pure Ingredients
Pluvia is primarily formulated with all-natural ingredients such as licorice and oat, which soothes skin and reduces inflammation.

No Harmful Ingredients
Pluvia is formulated with no SLS, soap, sulfate, parabens or artificial fragrances.

Your Skin’s Ally
Our mission is to restore your skin’s health and vitality. Specially designated for problematic skin conditions, such as eczema or sensitive and very dry skin.
Onward To A Better Wellness Journey
We believe that achieving optimal health is a continuous adventure, driven by a commitment to self-care and personal growth.

Connect with Us
We invite you to embark on a journey for exploring excellence in Wellness, skincare and Personal Care. We eagerly await the opportunity to assist you on your path to radiance